The Crashing Sound of Silence

Kamis, 06 September 2012
Bill Clinton convention speech

Romney acceptance speech

The conspicuousness of absence!

Where was their ex-president?

The Republicans seem to be ashamed of their past presidents. I wonder why? Except, of course, for the ghost of a B-movie actor who co-starred with an ape in his most memorable film.

OK. Romney [above link] looks and acts like a marionette. Wooden. Quite a few nips and tucks Clinton [also above link] still knows how to work a crowd. Folksy. He looks like you hope you will at his age. The man's a policy wonk with charisma. Although a little exaggerated here and there, his assertions could probably pass the fact checker test with a reasonably good grade. In spite of a couple of doozies about a certain past sexual indiscretion! But, hey, we all make mistakes, right? At least he's not "not letting the fact checkers interfere" with the content of the ad campaign.

The moral of this story is that it's good to have an all too human but charismatic ex-president in your corner.

So, where is theirs?

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