Persian Odyssey: Part XI – Zoroastrianism

Jumat, 27 April 2012 0 komentar

gas blowoff in Khuzestan 
The city of Ahwaz is in the center of Iran's oil rich province of Khuzestan. As I headed southeast towards Shiraz I entered the region of the oil fields. Seeing the gas flares that blow off from the wells got me to thinking about fire and energy. [By the way, much of the drama that we are witnessing in the Middle East today is, I believe, associated with the planet's hunger for energy. In my own mind, I think of the ongoing conflicts as the “Energy Wars of the 21stCentury”. Whether to attempt to gain control of and/or exploit oil resources--as in Iraq and potentially Iran--or build a pipeline across Afghanistan, the conflicts of the area are directly related to the critical need for the fossil fuel--the "black gold"--that drives our modern energy-dependent lifestyle.]

What I really want to do here, though, is segue into the element of fire. In the desert you are constantly conscious of our great ball of fire—the sun. The top banana in our Solar System (yes, Fundies, it doesn't revolve around us) is not necessarily a friendly source of warmth in the desert, it can be a direct threat of heat stroke if everything isn't up to snuff as my bike sprocket wasn't. So fire was my constant companion on this trip, and the gas flares triggered my awareness of it. With fire on my mind, what should I come across just at this time but the ruins of a Zoroastrian fire temple.

Zarathustra holding the sphere
dome of a fire temple in Esfahan, Iran
You may remember my reference, in an earlier post, to the cuneiform inscriptions at Ganj Nameh in Hamadan praising the Zoroastrian deity Ahura Mazda. Zoroastrianism was the religion of Achaemenid Persia. It was founded by a man named Zarathustra most likely sometime around the 11th Century BC.  Fundamentally, he taught that life was a struggle between truth and falsehood. Man should overcome falsehood and find truth through Zarathustra's teachings. Fire and water were used in fire temples for purification rituals during ceremonies. The inner sanctum of the fire temple, accessible only to priests, was a square chamber with four pillars in the corners supporting a domed roof that protected the sacred fire.

my very own fire temple
interior looking in and out
I rode up to the base of the hill upon which the remains of an ancient fire temple stood and climbed to the top. Some care had been taken to preserve what remained of what must have been the inner sanctum—the place of the sacred fire—with a wattle and daub roof--or, more likely but less romantically, corrugated tin. I could almost imagine echoes of the old rituals. But, nothing in the present, no people nor village nor town anywhere in sight, just the silence and emptiness of the surrounding desert.

Climbed back down, checked the tension on the chain. The damaged sprocket didn't look any worse, no broken gear teeth. Put a little more tension on the chain, applied more lubricant (no more signs of my recent close encounter of the unfriendly kind) and continued on southeast towards Shiraz and Persepolis.

PS: Zoroastrianism is still practiced in Iran by a small element of the otherwise mostly Shiite Moslem population. Their main fire temple is in the city of Yazd. There is also a fairly large community of Parsis who practice Zoroastrianism in Mumbai, India.

the modern fire temple in Yazd, Iran
[Photos of Zarathustra, Esfahan and Yazd fire temples courtesy of Wikipedia.]

To be continued...

50% … 50% … and 50%

Rabu, 25 April 2012 0 komentar
suburban council houses

"tower block" type council house
A British friend of mine forwarded an article to me recently recording complaints by tenants of “UK Council Houses”. Not being a Brit myself I had no idea what “Council Houses” means. A quick Wikipedia search indicates that it is a term used primarily in the UK and the Republic of Ireland for public or social housing. They were “built and operated by local councils” to provide spacious, well-built homes for reasonable rent primarily for working class people. The article goes on to say that the experiment hasn't lived up to hopes and expectations—great or otherwise—and, like many “projects” in the US have led to urban blight in some cases. Apparently things need “fixing” from time to time and tenants submit written complaints to their local “council”. 

 The whole point of this post is that some of these complaints are funny in the fractured English that they are written in. One wonders if some of them are deliberate double entendres. At any rate, following is a modest sampling of the more printable ones:

Extracts from letters written by council tenants:

1. It's the dogs mess that I find hard to swallow.

4. Next dors 18 year old son is continually banging his balls against the fence.

5. I wish to report that tiles are missing from the outside toilet roof. I think it was bad wind the other day that blew them off.

6.. My lavatory seat is cracked, where do I stand?

8. Will you please send someone to mend the garden path. My wife tripped and fell on it yesterday and now she is pregnant.
9. I request permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen...

10. 50% of the walls are damp, 50% have crumbling plaster, and 50% are just plain filthy.

11. The next door neighbour has got this huge tool that vibrates the whole house and I just can't take it anymore.

12. The toilet is blocked and we cannot bathe the children until it is cleared.
14. Our lavatory seat is broken in half and now is in three pieces.
16. The man next door has a large erection in the back garden, which is unsightly and dangerous.
18. I am a single woman living in a downstairs flat and would you please do something about the noise made by the man on top of me every night.
19. Please send a man with the right tool to finish the job and satisfy my wife..

I'm shocked, shocked....

Jumat, 20 April 2012 0 komentar
Sex and another city

Another tempest in a teapot—oh no!--carousing in Cartagena.

Gee, I didn't know there were strip joints and whore houses in Cartagena. Even so, the altar boys who make up the President's entourage should be in church lighting candles rather than drinking themselves stupefied and bedding prostitutes, no? Oh, so sorry, didn't know they were working girls.

NOT This
Bacchus, Greek god of wine...
and other things
The disingenuousness and hypocrisy of the media accounts of this latest episode of “misconduct” by our “finest” exemplars of boy scout ethics and morals is nothing if not laughable. Of course no bedsheet will be left unturned, sniffed, pooper scooped, put under a microscope in getting to the bottom (pun intended) of this outrage to the moral fiber of our virtuous boys-will-be-boys on the government payroll—or were they romping incognito?

Maybe these international summits should be held in the Vatican (they could make a few extra Euros renting out the Sistine Chapel with the stern eye of God discouraging any hanky panky) where there is less temptation by the devil, and any women in sight are wearing black habits and white whiffles.

Not a bottle of Red Eye or a stiffie in sight.

Manly virtue guaranteed

Persian Odyssey: Part X – no direction to go but up

Rabu, 18 April 2012 0 komentar

I was in no mood to take any crap from anyone and my thoughts shifted to the reassuring knife in my back pocket as I fingered it.

Ah yes, about the knife. I mentioned a while back that I did carry one for protection and skinning small animals (kidding)--just in case. I had come close to, if not using it, at least suggesting that it was there--once before. During a misunderstanding in a desert village I moved my hand deliberately toward my back pocket while looking significantly into the eyes of a guy who was being, shall we say, a little pushy. But that's another story. Let's get back to the present potential unpleasantness.

I was still somewhat shaken from being forced off the road and the adrenalin was still pumping when three or four guys, as I said, got out of their car and started walking towards me. Still, three or four to one, with or without a weapon, isn't terrific odds and I didn't know what they had. The fight or flight option was open to me. I decided on the latter and, still helmeted and straddling the bike, I kick started it and let it idle while these gentlemen approached. The sprocket was still not replaced and in a seriously damaged condition, but they didn't know that.

They were not friendly, but not overtly menacing either. They spoke no English and I understood very little of what they were saying, but the tone was not suggestive of a friendly “Hey, nice bike. And what are you doing in these parts?” wayside chat. More like a “Who the f... are you and what the hell are you doing here in my country?” tone. I said something to the effect of “None of your damned business and screw you Jack!” in plain English, kicked the bike into 1st and split in a cloud of dust and gravel. Perhaps I'm over dramatizing a little about the flying gravel, but I kept an eye in the rear view mirror for several miles to be sure I wasn't being followed. I wasn't. Exhalation of enormous relief.

A little later, in Ahwaz, I was unable to find a bike shop that had the right sprocket for my Yamaha. Nevertheless, I had reached the point of no return in my journey. It was about the same distance back to Esfahan no matter which way I went. Figured I might as well go on to Shiraz and Persepolis as planned. Hell, things couldn't get any worse. I would have to lighten the load on the bike (dump a lot of unnecessary shite) and keep the chain tight and well lubricated—and pray.

Ah, sorry, no photos this post; you don't have the presence of mind to take photographs of near-death experiences or less-than-convivial encounters with strangers.

To be continued....


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Prop. Familia Queiroz



El Criadero con MÁS PODIOS en el Sieger Argentino 2012

Estimado ovejerista:

Ha finalizado el Sieger Argentino 2012, en el cual tuvimos la oportunidad de viajar a representar a nuestro querido Ecuador en el Sieger más importante de América y considerado uno de los tres de mayor relevancia mundial.

Al igual que antes lo hicimos con nuestros amigos de Venezuela y Colombia, en esta ocasión tuvimos el gusto de compartir con nuestros partners de Nicaragua y Argentina, afirmando así que esta pasión ovejerista no tiene fronteras.

A esta cita ovejerista fuimos con Cristina de Caputi, Roberto Caputi Jr., Juan Carlos Ruales, Darwin Echeverría, Patricio Díaz y Wilson Castillo.

Los resultados obtenidos por los ejemplares de nuestro afijo DI CASA CAPUTI y/o de nuestra propiedad, fueron realmente extraordinarios, pues de los CUATRO que participaron, obtuvieron CUATRO PODIOS, con CUATRO JUECES DISTINTOS.




Comentarios del juez Hans Peter Rieker sobre ASTOR DI CASA CAPUTI: "es el VA8 del año pasado, ayer nos presentó en las categoría juveniles muy buenos perros, también es hijo de Zamp, tiene la altura ideal, su grupa podría ser un poquitito más larga. Lo felicitamos, gracias."


VA9 *WUNA DI CASA CAPUTI (QUENN DI CASA CAPUTI - UNDRA DE CASA VARAS). Prop. R. Caputi y F. Melo). Wuna marca un hito en los Siegers Argentinos, al ser la PRIMERA VA GRIS, más aún a sus dos años y meses. JUEZ: LUCIANO MUSOLINO

Comentarios del juez Luciano Musolino sobre la Primera Categoría Hembras: " terminamos el juzgamiento de la primera categoría hembras, una clase fascinante, realmente de gran calidad. Son once años que la miro de afuera, gracias a POA por permitirme juzgarla, estoy plenamente emocionado. Juzgué en las últimas seis semanas cuatro siegers, he juzgado en todo el mundo, pero una calidad así nunca se ve (aplausos del público), por eso vamos a conceder ONCE VA´S (más aplausos)"

Comentarios del juez Musolino sobre Wuna Di Casa Caputi: "la perra que sigue es una perra gris, todo el mundo sabe que yo no soy amante de los grises, soy un poco racista, pero esta es una perra que tiene un buen gris, un buen pelo, un buen subpelo, es una perra de tamaño correcto, ya fue auslesse tres en Coapa, ya la juzgué en Ecuador, es una perra que me encanta por su solidez, firmeza, es seca, es muy musculosa, se mueve bien. Soy feliz por primera vez en mi carrera de dar un título a una perra gris"





Comentarios del juez Erich Bösl sobre Kelly Di Casa Caputi: "una perra que seguramente es muy similar a la que obtuvo el primer lugar en su construcción anatómica, si bien hoy no está en su mejor condición de pelo. Grande, medianamente fuerte, expresiva, cruz alta, buen largo y posición de la grupa, muy buenas angulaciones, muestra pasos muy vigorosos. Felicitaciones!"









Agradecemos al Sr. Juez Alberto Sala por facilitarnos esta valiosa información.
                                         MACHOS (para agrandar haga CLICK en la imagen)

                                         HEMBRAS (para agrandar haga CLICK en la imagen)

Hasta la próxima.

Ing. Roberto Caputi


Harem Intrigues

Minggu, 15 April 2012 0 komentar

A friend of mine forwarded an article in The Economistto me recently. The article (Land of the wasted talent   Japanese firms face a demographic catastrophe. The solution is to treat women better) was a familiar one concerning the lowly place of women in the business world in “sexist” Japan. There is a ring of truth in much of the article about how women tend to be used for office decoration and tea serving and routine clerical work. How few women executives there are compared with western countries. How women are paid less than male colleagues. How they are more easily sexually harassed than in western firms. How they tend to feel pressure to quit from men (especially bosses) after they reach a certain age or quit because they find the work boring, dead end and/or unsatisfying. All these reasons have an element of truth, but there is a glaring omission in the reasons why women leave the working world earlier than their counterparts in western and more enlightened societies. Listen up! I got this straight from the horse's mouth—my road buddy, a Japanese woman. Clearly an authority on the subject. I responded to the friend who sent me the article thus:

print by Utamaro 1790s
print by Tsukyoka Yoshitoshi 1888
Yeah, women are probably being wasted here, but you might be surprised at some of the reasons why. A lot of the pressure to leave comes from other women. By law, companies can't fire full time workers of either sex. They have to find more creative ways to get rid of people who can't cut the mustard and they don't want. A college degree doesn't mean much here. Women, unless they have push and drive, or are in certain occupations like nursing and teaching or the “mizu shobai” (entertainment business), tend to wind up as office decorations while they are still young and attractive. After that they are pressured to leave, often by other women. The happy way to leave is through what is called "kotobuki taisha"--leaving to get married. Another is called getting rid of an "otsubone sama" through backbiting and gossip by the other women in the office. The term is a holdover from olden times where an unmarried older woman is pressured out because she has been around too long and tends to become a too powerful schemer and, likely as not, a tyrant. The term relates to the Shogun's harem. A tsubonewas a wet nurse who took care of the sexually active courtesans' children by the Shogun. Since they didn't require the admiring eye of the Shogun, as long as they could nurse they hung around and became quite powerful in the household and usually quite dictatorial. The pressure to leave in the modern world takes the form of loudly whispered comments among the younger women to the effect of: “Is that old bag still around?”

The moral of the story is that there are lots of ways, subtle and not so subtle, to discriminate and marginalize.   


Sabtu, 14 April 2012 0 komentar

Amsterdam coffeehouse
By any other name: weed, pot, grass, dope, ganja, shit, it is a prohibited substance. Not everywhere. It is legal in some places, like coffeehouses in Amsterdam and decriminalized in others or given a nod and a wink like in Prague. Still the debate over legalizing it in the US of A seems to go on and on and so many other debates there. Pointless really, since neither side of the argument is ever likely to be accepted by the other and the offensive or desirable behavior is going to continue anyway one way or the other.

I came across a couple of takes on the issue of legalizing mj, one serious and one comical. Personally I would take the laissez faire position of decriminalizing personal use and possession for many of the reasons expressed in these two linked articles, one of which is a video.  

Persian Odyssey: Part IX – a little push and shove

Selasa, 10 April 2012 0 komentar

As I dropped down in elevation I was reaching the inevitable emotional low point in any journey. The civil war was snapping at my heels and I was riding a semi-crippled bike in a landscape that was both bleak and getting hotter with the decrease in elevation. A situation not exactly designed to create a carefree holiday mood. In these less than high spirits I pulled into Dezful in search of a sprocket and found a bike shop, but try getting a part for a Maserati at the local Chevy dealership. Sorry! Hey, nice bike, but we don't see many of those around here. Checked the slack on the chain and added more lubricant and limped on to Susa; my entire awareness focused on the drive train.

Susa, as an archeological site, was pretty unimpressive. Unlike the splendor I later saw at Persepolis, Susa didn't look much different than its surrounding desert environment—except maybe to an archeologist.  

the archeological site of Susa
There are some relief carvings taken from excavations at Susa in museums that show there really was something there once upon a time. They are similar to those you can see at Persepolis.

winged sphinx and archers from Darius's palace at Susa

Leaving Susa I thought I might have better luck finding a sprocket in Ahwaz, the center of the country's oil fields. Oil region + gasoline-powered vehicle = cutting edge shops with up to the minute spare parts, right? So, I'm bumping along on a two-lane highway when up ahead of me I see two big trucks coming directly at me, one in my lane trying to pass the other. Either they didn't see me or they didn't give a damn, but it was a choice of a head on collision or swerve onto the loose dirt and gravel shoulder, which I did without thinking, fishtailing from side to side and struggling to prevent a nasty, possibly fatal spill. When I finally managed to stop with the bike still upright under me I just sat there shaking and trembling from helmet to boots for some time until I calmed down enough to keep going. I soon pulled into a roadside rest area to refresh and pull myself together when a car pulled up and some menacing looking guys got out and headed in my direction.

To be continued...

[All photos in this post courtesy of Wikipedia. My own have been lost.]


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                                                          SG1 Oliver de Casa Bustamante
                                  (hijo de Athos New Van Horn). Prop. R.Caputi y B.Marcos

Estimado Ovejerista:

Presentamos los resultados de Bellheim 2012, así como también los resultados de dos Orstgruppenschaus más que se realizaron este fin de semana.

Bellheim es la exposición tradicional que se realiza siempre el lunes después de Semana Santa (feriado en Alemania). Es normal que en esta exposición juzgue el Director de Cría de Alemania Reinhardt Meyer, además, esta ocasión juzgó las hembras Franz Peter Knaul. Los machos muy jóvenes estuvieron evaluados por Karl Heinz Zygadto.

En la pista destacó de principio a fin y obtuvo sin la más mínima discusión el primer lugar el VA Sultan von der Jahnhohe, el hijo de Vegas más exitoso en el mundo. Sultan estuvo escoltado por Conbhairean Uno quien obtuvo el segundo lugar, Zerxis el tercero, Enosch (el mejor hijo de Ober Bad Bolll) e Ilano Fichtenschlag (hijo de Remo).

En jóvenes machos brilló Yankee Feuermelder, quien es el actual Vicesieger Muy Joven y que pertenece a una muy destacada familia que incluye a Yakimo (Vicesiegerin muy joven), Yakira, Yester entre otros. Yankee, es unos de los jóvenes que más tiene posibilidad de llegar al tan ansiado VA 2012.

En primera categoría hembras se impuso Ibizi von Arlett ante la francesa Emma Du Val D´anzin.

La tercera categoría hembras fue juzgada por Franz Peter Knaul, quien juzga 2da Hembras en el 2012). Las perras que esta vez se presentaron en 3ra categoría, estarán en 2da en Ulm, por eso la gran expectativa de ver la decisión del juez Knaul. 

La ganadora de esta nutrida categoría fue la francesa Fengie Du Clos du Patmisand. La italiana Extra dei Colli de Storici, quien obtuvo en 5to lugar en 9-12 meses hembras con Roberto Caputi  en el Sieger italiano 2011, finalizó en Bellheim en un meritorio 5to lugar.

Hasta la próxima.


VA Sultan von der Jhanhohe

V Conbherirean UNO
Zerxis Osterberger Land

V Enosch Amasis

V1 Ibizi von Arlett

Yankee Feuelmelder

PRIMERA MACHOS Gebrauchshundklasse Rüden, Richter: Meyer Reinhardt

V 1 *Sultan von der Jahnhöhe 2212631, 20.12.07, SchH3 (Vegas Haut Mansard - Irmi Jahnhöhe) Mayer Marc,84056 Rottenburg

V 2 *Conbhairean Uno 2245708, 26.10.08, SchH3 (Carlos Sudheimer Linde - Conbhairean Linzi) Budde Ingrid,33034 Brakel

V 3 *Zerxis vom Osterberger-Land 2199312, 14.12.06, SchH3 (Merlin Osterberger-Land - Quendi Osterberger-Land) Verpelli Ambrogio,I-23870 Cernusco

V 4 *Enosch v. Amasis 2258762, 05.02.09, SchH3 (Ober Bad-Boll - Bali Amasis) Häussler Hans,74653 Künzelsau

V 5 *Iliano vom Fichtenschlag 2241909, 03.09.09, SchH3 (Remo Fichtenschlag - Viana Fichtenschlag) Oßmann Marco & Trentenaere Eric

V 6 *Alf vom Bärenstein 2239487, 19.07.09, SchH3 (Furbo Achei - Honda Batu) Herda Tobias,99885 Wölfis

V 7 *Horace du Parc à Mitrailles LOSH 1054707, 07.04.08, SchH1 SchH3(B)(Cedric Amur - Fallone Meilleurs Sangs) Destercq Luco,B-7134 Peronnes lez Binch

V 8 *Hevin von Blue-Rose 2226280, 09.10.08, SchH3 (Nick Holtkämper Hof - Ghana Blue-Rose) Staab Elke-Lore,63165 Mühlheim

V 9 *Bunker de la Presqu'ile Guerandaise LOF 591017, 19.03.06, SchH2(3) (Vermer Presqu'ile Guerandaise - Scamie Presqu'ile Guerandaise) Scubla Dino,B-5060 Sambreville

V 10 *Gandi vom Schloß Rosenfels 2198235, 04.03.07, SchH3 (Joker Alcudia - Zassa Schloß Rosenfels) Karnutsch Karl,97999 Igersheim

V 11 *Onex aus der Mövenstraße 2230871, 22.01.09, SchH3 (Boss Oxsalis - Nanni Mövenstraße) Hügel Alina,68519 Viernheim

V 12 *Iggor v. Haus Santo LOSH 1055979, 05.01.09, SchH2 SchH3(B)(Xano Finkenschlag - Oda-Perle Haus Hagendoorn) Vermeerbergen Guy,B-2200 Herentals

PRIMERA HEMBRAS Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Knaul Franz-Peter

V 1 *Ibizi von Arlett 2239536, 22.03.09, SchH2 (Banderas Domaine du Parc - Lissie Val Calore) van Dorssen Margit,51105 Köln

V 2 *Emma du Val D'Anzin LOF 623926, 26.03.09, SchH2 (Vegas Haut Mansard - Vladine Terrils du Ch'ti) Trentenaere Eric & Benitz Winfried,F-78440 Fontenay

V 3 First du Domaine du Parc LOF 633925/575, 06.02.10, (IPO1) (Dereck Domaine du Parc - Any Domaine du Parc) Trentenaere Bruno,F-62111 Hebuterne

V 4 *Dragone du Clan des Gladiateurs LOF 617826, 08.09.08, SchH1 (Zeus Isola dei Baroni - Ulme Void des Roches) Destercq Luco & Borgo Laurent,B-7134 Peronnes

V 5 *Amy von der Zenteiche 2227886, 01.10.08, SchH2 (Tyson Köttersbusch - Rimini Zenteiche) Ludwig Christoph & van Hout Marc,56357 Gemmerich

V 6 *Heiki de Sous-Belmont SHSB 667639, 03.07.08, SchH2 (Negus Holtkämper See - Yska Sous-Belmont) Nicolet Jean Pierre & Marro Roger,CH-1774 Cousset

V 7 *Ephy de la Huche Normande LOF 631430, 20.10.09, Brevet (Lax Holtkämper See - Vaty Huche Normande) Achin Beatrice,F-02400 Essomes-sur-Marne

V 8 *Dina du Domaine des Anges Gardiens LOF 621402, 25.12.08, IPO1 (Igor Rommelsbach - Lou Melanchthon) Rey Charles,F-68560 Heimersdorf

SG 1 Eisha v. d. Otto AKC DN 22407304, 17.08.08, IPO1 (Mason Fleischerheim - Tara Fleischerheim) Otto Tia,US-TX 75032 Rockwall

SEGUNDA MACHOS Junghundklasse Rüden, Richter: Meyer Reinhardt

SG 1 *Yankee vom Feuermelder 2255307, 22.04.10, IPO1(SchH1) (Joker Eichenplatz - Amanda Seeteich) Gumbel Ute,34590 Wabern

SG 2 (*)Pacco vom Langenbungert 2252482, 25.05.10, SchH1 IPO2 (Remo Fichtenschlag - Ankaa Nadelhaus) Weber Bernd,23611 Bad Schwartau

SG 3 Saabat von Aurelius 2257868, 03.08.10, (Ober Bad-Boll - Juri Schollweiher) Koller Johann,A-9241 Wernberg

SG 4 Kosta vom Hanneß 2254001, 11.06.10, IPO1 (Wegas Fichtenschlag - Emy Hanneß) Limmer Hans,93358 St. Johann

SG 5 Othello vom FREESE LAND 2255999, 03.08.10, (Tyson Köttersbusch - Djona FREESE LAND) Freese Bernd,32139 Spenge

SG 6 (*)Joker vom Winnloh 2255485, 31.07.10, IPO2 (Nino Tronje - Steffi Winnloh) Kickermann Helmut,58708 Menden

SEGUNDA HEMBRAS Junghundklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Knaul Franz-Peter

SG 1 Milla vom Kuckucksland 2254450, 01.07.10, IPO1(SchH1) (Franco Kuckucksland - Bella Kuckucksland) Grünewald Ottmar,63263 Neu-Isenburg

SG 2 Pally vom Zellergrund 2258078, 18.09.10, (Dux Glockenheide - Walli Zellergrund) Füller Karl-Heinz,97422 Schweinfurt

SG 3 Ella vom Holtkämper Tor 2255069, 01.07.10, IPO1(SchH1) (Morret Holtkämper Tor - Illi Holtkämper Tor) Niedergassel Klaus & Kilian Anke,33334 Gütersloh

SG 4 Unna vom Gleisenauer Schloß 2259045, 08.10.10, (Estor Team Gleisenauer Schloß - Isabella Valtenberg) Siegwart Erich & Vey Helmut,91315 Höchstadt

SG 5 Katra vom Deutschen Eck 2251397, 26.04.10, IPO1(SchH1) (Grim Freisumpf - Ondra Deutschen Eck) Wenzel Beate,56249 Herschbach

SG 6 Erta dei Fermass LOI 10/137650, 09.06.10, (Sultan Jahnhöhe - Diva Fermass) Lombardi Massimiliano,I-20037 Paderno Dugnano

SG 7 Heidi da Festa da Hera LOP 434943, 11.06.10, (Vegas Haut Mansard - Vicky Festa da Hera) Ferreira Jose Manuel Machado,P-4490-238 Argivai

SG 8 Uschi vom Rauhtal 2260978, 03.10.10, (Sirio Rauhtal - Zora Arminius 2000) Sturm Helmut,64757 Rothenberg

SG 9 Blankana vom Haus Gleißner 2257956, 19.09.10, (Floro Achei - Bella Godalis) Gleißner Oskar,95703 Plößberg

SG 10 Cris di Casa Cip ROI 10/199263, 06.09.10, (Iso Ca'San Marco - Laika Vignazzola) Lavelli Massimo, Italien

SG 11 Haus Mailand Bona EKC AM 00487403, 03.10.10, (Fritz Kuckucksland - Teba Noort) Robinson Brenda,GB-* Preston PR2 5JS

SG 12 Jana vom Schloß Rosenfels 2253800, 02.05.10, (Icon Bad-Boll - Elfi Schloß Rosenfels) Karnutsch Karl,97999 Igersheim

Jugendklasse Rüden, Richter: Zygadto Karl-Heinz

SG 1 Team Paka's Cairo DKK 07227/2011, 05.04.11, (Ypsilon Lärchenhain - Team Paka's Pandora) Hansen Ulla & Christiansen Erik,DK-6100 Haderslev

SG 2 Larko von der Noriswand 2262366, 26.12.10, (Fulz Zenevredo - Jessica Achei) Rückert Bernd,63808 Haibach

SG 3 Alex della Valle d'Itria LOI 11/59397, 01.03.11, (Ziko Vignazzola - Elys Camporeale) Tamborra Giuseppe & Eletti Emanuele,I-70022 Altamura

SG 4 Xaro dell Alto Piano ROI 11/27392, 17.01.11, (Arex Wilhelmswarte - Mara Valmadrera) Bosetti Claudio & Benitz Winfried,I-38010 Zambana

SG 5 Ivan v. Maikhus ROI 11/19656, 30.11.10, (Vegas Haut Mansard - Monia Casa Nobili) Mantello G. & della Valle Napoli M.,68519 Viernheim

SG 6 Granitt vom Osterberger-Tal 2263266, 26.12.10, (Fulz Zenevredo - Anka Osterberger-Tal) Golownitsch Viktor,33129 Delbrück

Jugendklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Knaul Franz-Peter

SG 1 Fengie du Clos de Patmisand LOF 645360, 19.12.10, (Eliot Ness Normont - Enjie Clos de Patmisand) Trentenaere Eric,F-78440 Fontenay St. Pere

SG 2 Oililly von der Piste Trophe 2261740, 28.11.10, (Guccy Heinrichplatz - Dara Murrtal) Ellinger Beate & Kötters Werner,69168 Wiesloch

SG 3 Xendi v. Clarcro Z 00995, 17.01.11, (Hagadahls Figo - Pammie Harten) Clarke Ian,IE-* Co Meath

SG 4 Honda vom Hutberg 2263415, 14.02.11, (Hatto Hühnegrab - Ulli Hutberg) Schneider Gerhard,74673 Mulfingen

SG 5 Extra dei Colli Storici ROI 11/23638, 23.11.10, (Sony Colli Storici – Elsa Schacher) Madeo Sergio,I-26010 Pianengo (CR)

SG 6 Yasmin 1 de Herr Kan LOE 2013791, 18.01.11, (Karat's Fedor - Remix Prachtallee) Prat Falgas Josep,E-17257 Torroella de Montgri (Girona)

SG 7 Fiona des princes de Sarvar LOF 643268, 11.11.10, (Furbo Achei - Carla Maison du Mazal) Cabassut Roland & Mansour Karim,F-Valencogne

SG 8 Letizia von Arminius 2267820, 09.12.10, (Sultan Jahnhöhe - Dolce Arminius 2000) Martin Tina & Czech Sandra,68519 Viernheim

SG 9 Xara dell Alto Piano ROI 11/27395, 17.01.11, (Arex Wilhelmswarte - Mara Valmadrera) Bosetti Claudio & Benitz Winfried,I-38010 Zambana

SG 10 Shakira von Regina Pacis 2264476, 12.12.10, (Ferrari Agilolfinger - Lara Regina Pacis) Bruno Luigi,I-87030 San Vincenzo da Costa

SG 11 Joutta v. Wolfweg 2275618, 17.11.10, (Gigolo Bärenschlucht - Parnilla Aducht) Regitz Roland,66571 Dirmingen

SG 12 Helga re di Denari LOI 11/2673, 16.10.10, (Furbo Achei - Venus Profeti) Chiaia Stefano,I-22031 Albavilla (CO)

SG 13 Tina od Kovacica HR 28920, 28.01.11, (Beks Dogshof - Zambi Kovacica) Kovacic Vlado,HR-10362 Zagreb, Kasina

SG 14 Fiona du Grand Gout LOF 643799, 25.12.10, (Eliot Ness Normont - Babou Grand Gout) Cattelain Gerard,F-10210 Villiers-sous-Praslin

SG 15 Tina vom Ickerner Schlößle 2268997, 15.01.11, (Umax Haus Babilon - Laica Ickerner Schlößle) Heinen Hans-Udo,56249 Herschba

SG 16 Alexis aus Famke's Zauberwald NHSB 2819999, 26.11.10, (Canyon Lars-Aue - Goldy Famke's Zauberwald) Eastwood Carol & Reilly A.

SG 17 Judy v. Santamar LOSH 1086226, 21.10.10, (Hagadahls Figo - Amy Zenteiche) van Hout Marc & van Puyenbroeck Marc

SG 18 Tena od Kovacica HR 28922, 28.01.11, (Beks Dogshof - Zambi Kovacica) Kovacic Vlado,HR-10362 Zagreb, Kasina

SG 19 Looki de Sous-Belmont SHSB 687765, 24.10.10, (Wegas Fichtenschlag - Heiki Sous-Belmont) Nicolet Jean Pierre & Malcotti Odette

SG 20 Hagadahls Omara SKK 27139/2011, 01.12.10, (Hagadahls Figo - Rimini Zenteiche) Blomquist Patrik & Blomquist Jessica

SG 21 Fortuna du Domaine de Faune LOF 64520, 10.10.10, (Sultan Jahnhöhe - China Domaine de Faune) Foussier Pascal,F-83510 Lorgues

SG 22 Kim vom Holtkämper Tor 2263919, 09.02.11, (Renzo Holtkämper See - Quida Holtkämper Tor) Niedergassel Klaus & Schall Edgar,33334 Gütersloh

SG 23 Joana von Modenart 2261409, 07.12.10, (Peik Holtkämper Hof - Bella Nordteich) Aulenkamp Petra,33334 Gütersloh

SG 24 Princess vom Kapellenberg 2262312, 22.12.10, (Nino Tronje - Julia Kapellenberg) Koller Johann,A-9241 Wernberg

SG 25 Folie du Domaine du Val d'Aulnoy LOF 642576/582, 27.10.10, (Dgengis Khan Domaine du Val d'Aulnoy - Becassine Domaine du Val d'Aulnoy) Vanderplaetsen Johann

G 1 Quantessa vom Hühnegrab 2261468, 04.11.10, (Tyson Köttersbusch - Leevi Hühnegrab) Mohr Wolfgang,55124 Mainz

U 1 Ariel v. Pannonienhof MNJK 25834, 11.10.10, (Sultan Jahnhöhe - Yana Bellissimo) Kovacs Tamas,H-9153 Ötteveny

PRIMERA MACHOS Gebrauchshundklasse Rüden, Richter: Rudolph Andreas

V 1 *Fulz di Zenevredo 2250707, 21.10.08, SchH3 (Furbo Achei - Jemy Zenevredo) Heigl Franz,94315 Straubing

V 2 Rocco von der Karl-May Höhle 2251035, 18.02.10, IPO2 (Kanto Karl-May Höhle - Xara Baruther Land) Schüßler Dietmar,85309 Pörnbach

V 3 Iroc vom Haus Iris 2233259, 17.03.09, SchH1 (Duke Schäferliesel - Alice Haus Iris) Seidler Martina,99510 Apolda

V 4 *Arry vom Ludwigseck 2220460, 10.12.07, SchH3 (Esko Gräfental - Quecke Ludwigseck) Günther Bernd,07570 Steinsdorf

V 5 *Immo von Tino 2222926, 22.06.08, SchH2 (Dux Cuatro Flores - Boney Cheremy) Koch Klaus,07426 Königsee

V 6 *Xanto vom Hof-Niederzier 2200297, 22.03.07, SchH3 (Ilbo Holtkämper See - Mira Arlett) Flücken sen. Hans,57539 Bitzen

V 7 *Kwido vom Gräfental 2169039, 13.05.05, SchH3 IPO3 (Tino Schäferliesel - Daggi Hessischen-Bergland) Biermann Jürgen,07952 Pausa

SG 1 Hero von den Herbstzeitlosen 2215378, 01.03.08, SchH3 (Zandor Briloner Eck - Dolly Herbstzeitlosen) Urich Markus,35469 Allendorf

G 1 Rambo vom Waldwinkel 2231477, 26.01.09, SchH3 (Eliot Prevent - Kim Waldwinkel) Herrmann Thomas,06842 Dessau

PRIMERA HEMBRAS Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Oeser Dieter

V 1 *Asta vom Haus Gleißner 2235616, 10.05.09, SchH1 (Panjo Kirschental - Bella Godalis) Lindner Jürgen,95676 Wiesau

V 2 *Anni von Sutu-Hali 2210296, 01.09.07, SchH2 IPO3 (Ken Kalifels - Quina Hubertusklause) Kranich Maurice,39418 Neundorf

V 3 Tina vom Espiggut 2223663, 20.08.08, SchH1 (Arak Ferme Malgre L'eau - Zila Fichtenschlag) Karing Christoph,08539 Mehltheuer

V 4 *Hanni vom Ludwigseck 2247323, 23.08.09, SchH1 (Till Ludwigseck - Zilla Gräfental) Heinig Claudia,08393 Meerane

V 5 Alpha vom Kieslicher-Hof 2235640, 14.02.09, SchH1 (Witz Bramberg - Ronja Haus Gröschner) Kieslich Marcel,07778 Dorndorf-Steudnitz

V 6 Lili vom Merlin 2250803, 04.03.10, IPO1 (Rono Bierstadter Hof - Darina Merlin) Loginova Elena,

SG 1 *Ulla von der Wildsau 2243189, 06.10.09, SchH1 (Chicco Bismarcksäule - Moni Wildsau) Schmidt Karl,07389 Ranis

SG 2 Ilka vom alten Forst 2226703, 27.09.08, SchH1 (Conner Staatsmacht - Roxy Burg Hinte) Kebernik Werner,36320 Kirtorf

SEGUNDA MACHOS Junghundklasse Rüden, Richter: Rudolph Andreas

SG 1 Yusuf vom Feuermelder 2255312, 22.04.10, IPO1 (Joker Eichenplatz - Amanda Seeteich) Georgians Willi,

SG 2 Florro v. Panoniansee HR 28734, 15.09.10, (Remo Fichtenschlag - Yuma Panoniansee) Ravlic Zlatko,HR-31000 Osijek

SG 3 Gonzo vom Gräfental 2260744, 13.08.10, (Yasko Ludwigseck - Quecke Ludwigseck) Schröter Mike,07570 Hohenölsen

SG 4 Evan vom Kranich's Hof 2256115, 05.07.10, (Ron Ludwigseck - Gitta Anhalter Hof) Willer Sandy,07955 Auma

SG 5 Hasso vom Glockenberg 2253242, 25.05.10, IPO1 (Fax Hegerasen - Bea Glockenberg) Braunhardt Henner,99991 Großengottern

G 1 Tango Vikar CMKU/DS 79240/10, 21.07.10, (Gordan Wolfsblick - Alfa Gliggermühle) Ehmann Anke,99869 Seebergen

SEGUNDA HEMBRAS Junghundklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Oeser Dieter

SG 1 Egga v. Panoniansee HR 28694, 20.08.10, (Arex Wilhelmswarte - Yolly Panoniansee) Ravlic Zlatko,HR-31000 Osijek

SG 2 Yava Terra Uva JR 736644, 07.09.10, (Yoll Panoniansee - Cimba Haus Neoplantum) Josimovic Borislav,RS-21000 Novi Sad

SG 3 Kim von der Kiefernschlucht 2263926, 20.08.10, (Shyrhan Lehmburg - Gala Kiefernschlucht) Christner Silvio,99518 Auerstedt

SG 4 Jeena vom Butjenter Land 2255159, 01.07.10, (Vidol Babylon - Charlott Butjenter Land) Lermo I Querol Jordi,E-08396 Cant Cebria

SG 5 Resi vom Pferdegraben 2257771, 02.07.10, (Diego Haus Pfalzerheide - Dasy Pferdegraben) Födisch Jens,07586 Kraftsdorf

SG 6 Kwanta Av Rostadgarden NKK 35600/11, 12.08.10, (Sultan Jahnhöhe - Askepott Rostadgarden) Aust Hubert,06773 Gräfenhainichen

SG 7 Xsara vom Haus Kaiser 2254692, 04.07.10, (Nike Haus Dexel - Princess Türkenkopf) Kaiser Gerhard,07743 Jena

G 1 Hydra vom Hagenberg 2256565, 17.08.10, IPO1 (Hutch kalten Hardt - Celine Hagenberg) Schönemann Günter,99735 Werther

G 2 Zora von der Old Lady 2256775, 21.07.10, (Franz Wartenberg - Virginia Old Lady) Schulze Wolfram,02906 Quitzdorf am See

G 3 Anna von der Wichelnfurt 2254583, 13.05.10, (Yankee Steintal - Orka Rungenhof) Wrobel Silvio,06792 Sandersdorf

TERCERA MACHOS Jugendklasse Rüden, Richter: Rudolph Andreas

SG 1 Ingo v. Panoniansee HR 28993, 16.01.11, (Remo Fichtenschlag - Honda Panoniansee) Ravlic Zlatko,HR-31000 Osijek

SG 2 King von Sofanga 18055/11, 27.03.11, (Baru Fürstenbrunn - Helen Sadaghiani) Cilenti Baris Emre,TR-34020 Zetyinburnu, Istanbul

SG 3 Ulk vom Fichtenschlag 2261438, 15.11.10, (Wegas Fichtenschlag - Xanda Fichtenschlag) Bärschneider Andreas,07318 Saalfeld-Saale

G 1 Colt vom Helmetal 2264634, 02.04.11, (Pat Ritterberg - Baroness Helmetal) Unger Sven,99734 Nordhausen

TERCERA HEMBRAS Jugendklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Oeser Dieter

SG 1 Queen von der Weinbergsiedlung 2259204, 27.10.10, (Bacchus Merlin - Maika Weinbergsiedlung) Kaczmarek Günter,99518 Niedertrebra

SG 2 Kiara vom Finkenschlag 2260317, 20.11.10, (Yumo Finkenschlag - Blue Finkenschlag) Flücken Bernhard,57539 Bitzen

G 1 Zalla vom Haus Salztalblick 2262714, 19.11.10, (Ahron Schloß Bothmer - Kaya Salztal-Höhe) Hausmann Rudolf,35315 Homberg

G 2 Debby vom Zellendorfer Land 2263574, 13.02.11, (Xoran Ludwigseck - Nixe Feurigen) Atlas Matthias,14913 Niedergörsdorf

PRIMERA MACHOS Gebrauchshundklasse Rüden, Richter: Wille Ralf

V 1 *Chacco von der Freiheit Westerholt 2225244, 19.09.08, SchH3 (Yerom Haus Salihin - Pitty Freiheit Westerholt) Lang Ralf,37688 Beverungen

V 2 *Baru vom Fürstenbrunn 2232182, 05.07.08, SchH3 (Bruno Vierhundert Hertz - Wega Almhof) Kilic Hakan,TR-34750 Istanbul

V 3 Vico vom Messina 2253743, 02.04.10, (IPO1) (Joker Eichenplatz - Kelly alten Herrenhaus) Kopp Torsten & Gonsior Jörg,19386 Vietlübbe

V 4 *Vento vom Türkenkopf 2220409, 22.03.08, SchH1(IPO2) (Bruno Vierhundert Hertz - Hexe Türkenkopf) Schild Manfred,17192 Waren

V 5 *Mex vom Ganzkower Schloß 2224476, 13.08.08, SchH3 (Tuareg Bad-Boll - Goldi Ganzkower Schloß) Seemann Uwe,17039 Ganzkow

V 6 Dustyn vom Galgental 2239226, 06.08.09, SchH2 (Javir Talka Marda - Conny Eselstieg) Zacharias Harald,21522 Hohnstorf

SG 1 Bojar von der Ellerbachbrücke 2241809, 17.08.09, SchH1 (Mika Wällerhorst - Elly Karlmitblick) Ehrenreich Marcel,36448 Bad Liebenstein

SG 2 Assi vom Haus Ellernbach 2214444, 06.01.08, SchH1 (Caddy Birgit's Banausen - Nell Rungenhof) Vahs Norbert,17159 Dargun

PRIMERA HEMBRAS Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Begier Hans-Jürgen

V 1 Dschinie vom Osterberger-Land 2255040, 01.02.10, SchH2 (Nelson Frankengold - Dani Dänischen Hof) Hoffmann Jürgen & Wortmann Dirk,38486 Klötze

V 2 (*)Xelia van Noort 2253354, 13.03.10, (IPO1) (Dux Glockenheide - Vianne Noort) Coppola Ciro & Meinen Wolfgang,I-80146 Napoli

V 3 Uhlana vom Altenberger Land 2252976, 12.01.10, IPO1 (Canyon Lars-Aue - Aebby Altenberger Land) Ihrens Olav,NL-2851 EJ Haastrecht

V 4 Tatu vom Messina 2247686, 06.01.10, SchH1 (Vegas Haut Mansard - Meggi Messina) Kopp Torsten,19386 Vietlübbe

V 5 *Alice von der Dänischen Wieck 2235095, 15.04.09, SchH1 (Yukon Bastillie - Walla Dänischen Hof) Schult Klaus,17509 Kemnitz

V 6 *Happy vom Holtkämper Hof 2234454, 01.03.09, SchH1 (Peik Holtkämper Hof - Illie Holtkämper Hof) Mintert Jan,18276 Badendiek

V 7 Racoma von Trafalga 2247398, 09.05.09, SchH1 (Eddy Holtkämper See - Uma Trafalga) Krieg Joachim,19370 Parchim

V 8 Inka vom Friedländer Land 2250672, 05.04.10, SchH1 (Aiko Friedländer Land - Deistra Trafalga) Oehmke Axel,17098 Friedland

V 9 Hepzibah vom Jacobiner Schloß 2229639, 20.11.08, SchH1 IPO2 (Tycoon Arabrab - Quadriga Jacobiner Schloß) Jacobi Wolfgang,21629 Neu Wulmstorf

SEGUNDA MACHOS Junghundklasse Rüden, Richter: Wille Ralf

SG 1 Rasti von der Grevener Villa 2254074, 04.06.10, (Joker Eichenplatz - Jessi Messina) Kopp Rainer,19386 Greven

SG 2 Aladin vom Bergmannsland 2259391, 03.05.10, (IPO1) (Tyson Köttersbusch - Xalia Bergmannsland) Derince Mustafa,TR-06370 Ankara

SEGUNDA HEMBRAS Junghundklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Begier Hans-Jürgen

SG 1 Quadriga vom Frankengold 2258982, 30.09.10, (Dux Intercanina - Daggi Frankengold) Goldlust Frank & Groenhoff Heinz,12623 Berlin

SG 2 Wanda vom Messina 2253704, 04.06.10, (Remo Fichtenschlag - Janna Messina) Kopp Rainer,19386 Greven

SG 3 Ypsie vom Altenberger Land 2259669, 17.07.10, IPO1,(SchH1) (Canyon Lars-Aue - Bibbi Altenberger Land) Hansen Michael,25451 Quickborn

SG 4 Xinda von Bad-Boll 2256352, 03.08.10, (Sammo Casa Beggiato - Xera Mönchberg) Todorya George,GR-166 71 Vouliagmeni / Athens

SG 5 Elfe von der Dänischen Wieck 2254064, 28.06.10, (SchH1) (Franco Kuckucksland - Lena Haus Pekrahn) Pekrahn Dirk,18442 Zansebuhr

TERCERA MACHOS Jugendklasse Rüden, Richter: Wille Ralf

SG 1 Fulz v. Unitedhof TUR 102050, 16.03.11, (Baru Fürstenbrunn - Immola Brunnenstraße) Grimm Sylvio,08312 Lauter

SG 2 Ghost v. Unitedhof TUR 102054, 26.03.11, (Baru Fürstenbrunn - Azra Unitedhof) Cetin Cem & Beckmann Lars,TR-34400 Izmit Kocaeli

SG 3 Xen vom kleinen Mohr 2264499, 15.12.10, (Franco Kuckucksland - Rena Martelsberg) Korzak Horst,17139 Malchin

SG 4 Uri vom Ganzkower Schloß 2260522, 29.10.10, (Sultan Jahnhöhe - Goldi Ganzkower Schloß) Kriening Susann,18551 Sagard

SG 5 Ballack von Trafalga 2266675, 07.12.10, (Ayk Mecklenburg - Pala Trafalga) Zemke Artur,17139 Malchin

TERCERA HEMBRAS Jugendklasse Hündinnen, Richter: Begier Hans-Jürgen

SG 1 Taiga vom Pendler 2260086, 05.11.10, (Remo Fichtenschlag - Chakira Pendler) Meinen Wolfgang & Kleene Hermann

SG 2 Chiwa vom Haus Iskander 2264113, 10.03.11, (Chacco Freiheit Westerholt - Romina Suentelstein) Lang Ralf & Schelenz Steffen,37688 Beverungen

SG 3 Venja vom Ganzkower Schloß 2262474, 01.01.11, (Mex Ganzkower Schloß - Hera Ganzkower Schloß) Herholz Frank,17033 Neubrandenburg

SG 4 Xima vom kleinen Mohr 2264502, 15.12.10, (Franco Kuckucksland - Rena Martelsberg) Korzak Horst,17139 Malchin

SG 5 Xissy vom kleinen Mohr 2264503, 15.12.10, (Franco Kuckucksland - Rena Martelsberg) Korzak Horst,17139 Malchin

SG 6 Valentina vom Wolkenstein 2261756, 15.12.10, (Team Marlboro Tiger - Ebba Wolkenstein) Wolkenstein


Off Beat Poets Society

Minggu, 08 April 2012 0 komentar

14th Century sculpture of Karluv Most
Karluv Most
You meet all kinds of interesting people when and where you least expect it sometimes. Or maybe you just gravitate to the kind of places where you are likely to bump into them because they're your kind of people. It's not that they are necessarily interested in the same specific things as you, but rather the attitude and passion they share about what motivates them.

these are NOT parking meters
Prague turned out to be a magnet for many such people who had been drawn there because there is something in the air about Prague that seems to bring out the hidden poet in you. There is the sheer beauty of the old central core of the city, there is the dedication to the arts and preserving, expanding and transmitting the city's classical heritage not only in music but in its art and architecture. It is also a place of innovation and experimentation with both old and new forms of expression from the opera and concert houses to jazz clubs and cafes developing more up to the minute techno and fusion works. You can see sculpture from the 14th Century and modern art works on display in public parks, museums and city squares.
popular with
tourist cameras--
I wonder why..

from the post Communist era
This bit of nostalgia is not another paean to Prague, but a hats off to people, some of the cool people I met, poets all of whatever stripe you care to imagine, in Prague. They were poets of music, beer, technology, translation, teaching, philosophy, politics, bears, writing, painting, photography, travel, mushrooms that can save the world and simply being in that wonderful town. It was an honor and a privilege to be in their company in bars, cafes, restaurants, parties and homes—not to mention a hell of a lot of fun and great incoherent conversations into the wee small hours. It was a love affair, romantic, and like a romance, all too brief.